Skiers and boarders will find challenges in the Odin Terrain Park at Norway Mountain.
This year Odin will feature a flat down rail, rainbow rail, picnic table, C-rail, flat down box, cannon mailbox, wall ride, step down, kicker, and jumps.
Idun will feature a smaller park with wide flat box, regular flat box, flat rail, rainbow rail, rainbow box and smaller jumps. Use this park to learn and build confidence before moving up to Odin.
Top-notch skiers and boarders can dare the Frigga race run.
Visit Norway Mountain Website >>>>

Snowmaking Improvements
- 17 new low energy air/water snowmakers that can make snow in temps that are 5 to 6 degrees warmer and require 63% less energy than the snowmakers they are replacing
- 4 new portable snowmaking fan guns
- 12 new fan gun snowmaking towers on Charlie, Liberty, Canyon & Easy Street
- Several snowmaking pipe installations and various electrical upgrade
Terrain Expansion
- Completed the widening of Smiling Irishmen. The ¾ mile long, green ski trail is now triple it’s original width from top to bottom
Beatie’s Bar & Grill
- Can’t find a seat in R Dub’s Pub? Check out the new Beatie’s Bar & Grill, located inside the MacKenzie Lodge. Pictures coming in October!!!
Additional Rental Equipment
- 1000 pairs of skis, 50 snowboards, 20 snowblades
Backcountry Dogsled Rides
- Wiggi Mountain-side Huskies will be offering scenic dogsled tours through the historic ski trails of Caberfae Peaks
New Steals & Deals
- Facebook Fridays
- “LIKE US” on Facebook, and receive a weekly deal to our resort every Friday
- January is Learn to Ski & Snowboard Month
- FAMILY FUN-DAY SUNDAY is now every Sunday in January! Bring a family of 3 to the slopes from 4 pm to close for only $49! Includes lift tickets, rental equipment & lessons. Additional family members are only $15 each.
Visit Caberfae Peaks Website >>>>
2010/11 All-Area Unlimited Season Pass – $209*
Or layayway your pass for only $99
and pay the remaining balance of you pass by August 31, 2010.
Call 866.901.3149 to Order Your Pass Today (or) visit
*After $30 Shanty Creek Resorts Gift Card. Retail price is $239.
SCR Gift Card not available with layaway option. A 10% service fee will be applied to layaway purchases, retail price is $230.
“Test Ride Shanty Creek Resorts”
Throughout March, season pass holders from all other Michigan ski areas can “Test Ride” Schuss and Summit Mountains at Shanty Creek Resorts for just $10 after presenting your “other area” 2009/2010 season pass.
Visit Shanty Creek Website >>>>
Ivan ripping through the pow on Basin Street today. – Photo courtesy of Crystal Mountain