Caberfae Peaks - News and Specials via Social Media
Caberfae Peaks is located in the heart of the Northern Michigan snow belt, reaping the benefits of frequent lake effect snow falls. The combination of our BIG HILLS, with the BEST SNOW, in YOUR BACKYARD, makes Cabefae Peaks the best ski value around.
Caberfae Peaks On Facebook
Below are the latest postings from the Caberfae Peaks Page On Facebook.
Caberfae Peaks - Photos From Instagram
Here are the latest photos of Caberfae Peaks via instagram. If you have an instagram photo to share of your visit to Caberfae Peaks, include the hashtag #caberfaepeaks and your photos will appear in the photo stream below.
It’s spring skiing at its best. Get out and enjoy
It was our last Ladies Day of the season. Thanks t
Cabin open for this weekend!! Fire pits, good weat
Is it terminal? If so, we have it! Check out the s
My first time experience on this adventure surpris
Another blue bird day! Come get some if that sunsh
Finley and Emma took lesson yesterday! They had a
Batman is keeping a close watch over the Peaks ton
Today’s adventure. #snowboarding #caberfaepeaks #a
New hats on the rack! Gear, swag, accessories, gif
Blue skies and corduroy this morning at #caberfaep
Everyone is starting to think spring! Rivers will
We are having the best season ever and there’s sti
Plenty of live music this Saturday, 3/8, at #caber
Another good day in the books, been a lot of folks
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